Course curriculum

    1. E-commerce Benefits and Opportunities

    2. Types of E-commerce Models: B2C, B2B, C2C, and D2C

    3. Popular E-commerce Platforms

    4. Choosing a Platform

    1. Setting Up Shop

    2. Website Tips

    3. All About The Photography

    4. The Details

    1. Competitive vs Profitable Pricing

    2. The Psychology of Pricing

    3. Payment Options

    1. Branding and Online Presence

    2. Brand Identity

    3. Marketing Strategies

    4. Content Creation

    1. Customer Service

    2. Building Customer Relationships

    3. Loyalty Strategies

    1. Ready for the Final Quiz?

    2. Final Assessment

    3. Survey

About this course

  • €5,00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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